Lab 3: Making modifications to the service graph ------------------------------------------------ Playbook ``modify_parameters.yaml`` - this playbook will perform the following task - Changes the load balancing method to the desired load balancing method (input taken from the variable file) #. Open the variable file placed under ``/root/playbooks/variable_file.yaml`` and change the ``lb_method`` parameter from ``round-robin`` to ``fastest-node`` Before modification: |image22| |image23| #. To execute the playbook run command ``ansible-playbook --step playbooks/ modify_parameters.yaml`` After running the playbook for modification: |image24| |image25| .. |image22| image:: /_static/class3/image22.png .. |image23| image:: /_static/class3/image23.png .. |image24| image:: /_static/class3/image24.png .. |image25| image:: /_static/class3/image25.png